Our funds
Flow-through funds
Fund Bramac
The Bramac Fund was founded in 2003 as the first fund at the Nitra Community Foundation. It regularly supports small projects implemented within the Nitra region in various areas. It is specialized in children and youth and the social sphere.
Fund Corgoň konto
Fund Corgoň konto was founded by Heineken Slovakia in 2004 to support the projects which are implemented in the Nitra region as well as in Hurbanovo, based on program "We are at home here" . The Corgoň konto is our largest fund in terms of regranting.
Fund Giesecke+Devrient Mobile Security Slovakia, s.r.o.
Fund Giesecke & Devrient was founded by G & D in 2012.The company participated in support of community based on two grant programs – “Let people to help people” and “Young Nitra Philanthropists”. They are focused on development of volunteerism among youth as well as on capacity building of local NGOs.
Fund Reydel
Fund Reydel was founded by Reydel Automotive Slovakia, s.r.o. (formerly Visteon Interiors Slovakia, s.r.o.) to support selected nonprofit activities in the Nitra district in various areas, mostly culture, enviroment, health and healthy lifestyle.
Fund Bona via
Fund Bona via founded by Ing. Andrej Sitkey from the District Transport Inspectorate in Nitra in 2004. It is aimed at supporting individuals and organizations in the field of child traffic education and road safety, especially in the Nitra district.
Fund Donors club
Fund Donors club was founded in 2003 to encourage a local philanthropy of individual donors as well as their direct participation in transparent decision-making process on community projects, which is based on direct voting. Appr. 180 individuals become members of the Club every year.
Fund Children
Fund Children was founded in 2004 by Mrs. Marta Bradáčová, the pedagogue of the United School, Mudroňova Nitra. Fund regularly helps more than 100 pupils with multiple disabilities.
Funds for the future
Foundation Endowment fund
For more than 15 years, the Nitra Community Foundation has been supporting the community projects in the Nitra region. Its Endowment Fund was established in 2008 to provide sustainability of the Foundation's activities.
Fund for the future - Bramac
The BRAMAC Fund for the future was established to provide sustainability of the community support from the part of the BRAMAC company. The fund is invested, its revenues can be used based on the founder decision, only.
Educational endowment fund
The Educational endowment fund was founded by the Winnipeg Foundation of Canada and the Foundation's Board of Directors in 2004. It is aimed at supporting of educational activities. The Fund is invested.